Liz Shine
Chief Editor
Liz is an English teacher and fiction writer.
When she is not reading or writing, she prefers to be moving, which usually takes the form of runs, walks with the dog, hikes in the woods, or yoga. She holds a BA in English from Saint Martin’s University and an MFA in Fiction from Pacific Lutheran University.

Chris House
Technical Editor, Languages
Chris is a Spanish teacher, sometimes rock star, who found his way from Connecticut to the Pacific Northwest some time after earning his BA in English from Denison University in 1990.
He holds an MA in Education from The Evergreen State College. He loves reading, sports, politics, pop-culture blogs, and competing against himself on crossword puzzles.

Em Trier
Illustrations, Design
Em Trier is an artist who is responsible for the artwork and cover design of the Hallelujah and Linger, Love.
She also designed the logo for Red Dress Press.